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  • Writer's pictureLida Sherafatmand

Commemorative Stamp in Liechtenstein to Honour Artist Lida Sherafatmand's Florescence Art

Press Release:

Liechtenstein’s Chamber of Commerce releases commemorative stamp

to honour artist Lida Sherafatmand’s florescence art

LIECHTENSTEIN, October 15, 2020 - The Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry today released a stamp to commemorate the floral art of artist Lida Sherafatmand.

Liechtenstein as a country is like a garden of flowers surrounded by rocks and always strives in its international relations. His Serene Highness (H.S.H.) Prince Hans-Adam Hans-Adam has written the political treatise The State in the Third Millennium (published in 2009) is one of the few statesmen who has expressed his interest in international relations through writing a book. Artist Lida Sherafatmand takes inspiration from the intellectual realm of books and expresses knowledge via her paintings, while bringing out her personal sentiment for beauty and love in our world. In her art Lida takes flowers and transcends their physical appearance by taking us into their inner sanctuary intertwined with social phenomena.

The painting on the stamp is called “The Four Pulls of Vitruvian Man”. Based on the groundbreaking book “A Cultural Theory of International Relations” by eminent scholar Richard Ned Lebow, it shows four primary forces in human nature which pull us to belong to a collective and take actions within a collective: appetite (shown by the silverwood flowers ), reason and rationality (shown by the cherry blossoms), self-esteem and honour (shown by the violet water flowers, and fear (shown by the rock rose flowers).

The human figure (inspired by the Vitruvian Man of Leonardo Da Vinci) is inside a sunflower which in flower essence remedies stimulates our authenticity as persons. Lida says: “We can give our best to the world when we are functioning from our authentic selves - On the other hand, the different proportions of the four pulling forces in our human nature result in different levels of conflicts and cooperation in our collective relations, and it is good to be aware of that.”

“We have decided to use Lida Sherafatmand’s florescence art to contribute in raising higher level of awareness in the care for humanity. This stamp also expresses the importance we give to international relations, and art” , said the chairman of the Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI).

Lida Sherafatmand in a multiple awarded international artist who has been exhibiting her works since 22 years. She is an Iranian-born Maltese artist who was born in Iran and grew up in Malta. Having lived circumstances of war and revolution during childhood, today she is committed to peace in the world, and uses flowers in her painting to to give a message of warmth, love and beauty in our hearts. She studied a Masters degree in International Relations in order to enrich further the engagement of her art towards the international community.

The Liechtenstein Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) has its headquarter in Schann and is a private association with voluntary membership. Being an employer association, it represents the interests of its roughly 40 Liechtenstein member companies. Since its founding in 1947, the LCCI strives for a sustained prosperous economy and social harmony in Liechtenstein.

The stamp launch event will take place online due to Covid-19 restrictions.; it is on the 15th October at 6PM.


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